Friday, September 13, 2019

Reasons Digital Printing is the New Rage

Digital printing is a modern printing technique which has gained immense popularity in the past few years. This technique involves creating a digital print image on computer systems which can be later be printed onto the print material. Let’s take a look at the reasons why digital printing has taken the printing world by the storm.

1. Improved Speed of Proofing

According to dyes manufacturers in India, digital printing helps improve the speed of proofing which helps enterprises in ways more than one. Faster response time is one of those benefits. Besides, they can reduce processing price which is a win-win situation for the customer as well as the enterprise.

2. Good Effect of Proofing

Industry experts and reactive dyes manufacturers say that the effect of proofing with a digital printing machine is extremely good. Digital printing has an edge over traditional printing as the latter cannot achieve this effect in the way digital printing can.

3. Easy to Print Various Colors

As opposed to traditional printing, it is easier to print a wide range of colors with digital printing. The quality of colors is superlative with digital printing which is another reason why dyes manufacturers in India recommend using digital printing.

4. Good for Short-Print Runs

Digital printing is considered ideal for short-print runs as it proves to be cost-effective. Since there is no need of printing plates, the set-up cost is virtually zero. Due to the eliminated need of printing plates, the enterprise can save on warehousing and storage costs as well. Besides, digital printing is faster for short-run prints.

5. Print Quality

Digital printing is not only known for quick outputs and cost-effectiveness but also for the quality of the print. The colors printed are vibrant and designs sit pretty nicely on the print material instead of bulging out from the surface.

6. Variety of Textures

A variety of finishes and textures can be achieved with digital printing. Apart from the standard colors, you can also go for a glossy finish, embossed effects and textured prints with digital printing. Dyes manufacturers in India are fond of digital printing for the very reason.

7. Environment-Friendly

Digital printing is an environment-friendly printing method as inkjet printers print only a specific and desired part of the printing material which helps reduce the waste of ink.

In a nutshell, digital printing offers a plethora of benefits because of which it benefits everyone. No wonder, it has gained so much popularity across the globe. If you have any questions about digital printing or using reactive dyes, feel free to get in touch with us and we will be happy to answer your queries. 

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